A reader from the St. Augustine Record wrote to Dr. Donohue in the paper's Health Wathch section asking for more information on interstitial cystits. The question and answer was published last friday. Dr. Donohue gave a pretty good description of interstitial cystitis and I thought I would share his comments with my readers. Also you can follow the link below to see the origional posting.
Bladder issue usually overlookedDEAR DR. DONOHUE: I am writing to ask if you would give me information on interstitial cystitis. I was told I had this after I had a polyp removed from my bladder. I know it has to do with the lining of the bladder wall. What causes it? What's the treatment? Does it get worse? -- J.M.
ANSWER: Interstitial cystitis is also known as painful bladder syndrome. It's a fairly common condition that is commonly misdiagnosed. It affects more women than men. It occurs at any age, but typically, the onset is around age 40.
Frequently, a woman has symptoms for years and years and is told she has repeated bladder infections. Antibiotics, however, provide no relief. Trips to the bathroom are numerous, and nighttime urination disrupts sleep. Bladder pain can be severe. Urination often relieves the pain temporarily. Intercourse also can be painful.
One explanation says the protective covering of the bladder lining has thinned or has disappeared, and urine irritants come in contact with the sensitive bladder lining to produce pain. How this comes about is something that isn't known with certainty.
Symptoms can get worse, but treatments exist. One is the oral medicine Elmiron. Amitriptyline and gabapentin are also used for pain control.
If you find that a particular food causes increased pain, stay away from it. Spicy foods, citrus fruits and juices, tomatoes, chocolate, coffee, tea, carbonated drinks and alcohol are some things on the list of irritants for many with this problem.
If you feel lost about the diagnosis and its treatment, contact the Interstitial Cystitis Association at (800) 435-7422 or www.ichelp.org for information on treatment and support for this mystifying ailment that can completely throw life into turmoil.